YES WE CAN バラクオバマ元大統領と2009年 其の時僕は…

In 2009, I met Barack Obama, the first African-American president.

アフリカン系初の大統領バラクオバマ大統領と2009年 其の時僕は…

In 2009, the Democratic Party came to power in Japan, and at the same time, Satoshinakamoto's cryptocurrency was released. The symbol of the flag of the main African city of Brazil, which was owned by former President Barack Obama, is a horizontal diamond. The symbol that the OOKOSHI family had is a vertical diamond symbol, which I am not inheriting at present. Barack Obama and the horizontal diamond are African-American.

Former President Trump and Alice in Wonderland The vertical diamond symbol matches the symbol of one of the European countries, which looked like Canada, the country that was handed over from France to the United Kingdom, the country in the original story of Alice in Wonderland. At that time, I saw the basic shape of that time with my own eyes and deepened my hypothesis of overseas relations. That's right. The vertical diamond, which originates from the roots of diamonds, exists on the Chinese mainland, as the name Okoshi suggests. It does not exist in Japan, North or South Korea. There was a long time until 2019, when the hypothesis of a personal soul was held within it. Here, the story returns to Obama and 2009.


トランプ元大統領と不思議の国のアリス 縦型のダイヤモンドシンボルはヨーロッパの国の一つのシンボルに一致する、其れは不思議の国のアリスの原作の国イギリスがフランスから譲られた国カナダに見えた。其の時、其の時間基本形をこの目で見た僕は海外関係の仮説を深めた。そうです。ダイヤモンドのルーツに起因する縦型ダイヤモンドは大越の名前通り中国大陸に存在する。日本や南北朝鮮には存在しません。 其の中の個人的な魂の仮説論と2019年までの長い時間がありました。話は此処でオバマと2009年に戻ります。

President Obama has clearly stated that he will designate Japanese gangsters as terrorists and take international action. However, there have been leaks from former police officers and the Public Safety Commission accusing Japan of having descendants of gangsters already present in the Japanese national polity and government since before the war, and that some police officers were also in collusion with gangsters to begin with. It was a time that exposed the reality of contradictions, and it was many displeased civilians who were hurt by the anti-gang ordinance, which Japan fiercely opposed. President Obama has done a good job. In reality, Japan should have disbanded from the alliance and gone to war, but even in developed countries, there are many British modern notable mafia terrorists, and the day I learned that the public recognition of these terrorists, who are not a cutting-edge processing force but a list of terrorists, is a threat to developed countries, I turned pale.


The most frightening thing at that time will be the fear of honest civil servants being subjected to unknown pressure from their colleagues. The arrival of the frightening metaverse visualization society.


YES WE CANThe message left by former African-American President Obama seemed interesting to me, a person living a dull daily life. It was fun. However, without knowing the reality, the cryptocurrency BITCOIN was released to the world in the early days of the Obama administration. At the same time, I didn't have any particularly good things to say. I was only in a good mood about President Obama. He took office from 2009 to 2017. In 2011, the Great Vietnam National Publishing Company was a confusing time, and there was pressure. Then President Trump took office. This period until 2017. Did we gain anything during the Obama administration? The United States was also unfortunate with the subprime mortgage problem. At that time, if we were only grateful for President Obama's fun, and the theory of European devotion and cryptocurrency theory were

The characters of the overseas legal currency of the big Vietnam, which has become a mere name, were associated with the place and country of the virtual currency Big Vietnam, and the theory of European devotion as a cryptographic experience, and the theory of European devotion from the cryptographic experience of the soul was a failure. In 2009, I was drawn into the religious theory of Japan, where Twitter had not even started before cryptocurrency, but I was freed. In 2011, was it discovered? This guy will 100% leave the religious environment! In this flow, what was hard to understand was the disposal and liquidation of local shrines and unnecessary relationships.

I said goodbye, indeed. I'm human too, so it made me angry. I don't want it.

In 2024, Biden will be a rich and handsome old man, and a good hint was that his family and him were somewhat similar to my late maternal uncle when he was healthy. Or maybe it was his family's understanding of us.

I want to support Mr. TRUMPU! I would like to support him even if my hypothesis is not correct. Now that I know that the hint is overseas in globalization, I think it would be good to consciously shift from Japanese culture to overseas culture. The Internet is important.

I would like to leave my consciousness about YESWECAN here once with respect to Barack Obama, the first president of the United States. In 2009, when I didn't know about cryptocurrency, I was separated from people and left the trouble. In my mind, I was wearing a suit and paying with a suitcase! (Of course, it's not a drug or dangerous.) I thought of huge wealth (for some reason, we haven't even become independent yet! There's no need to become a US citizen.) I shouldn't make unfounded associations! It seems like I was dreaming.

From 2011 to 2014, I learned about irregularities and fraud, and in 2014, I learned a little about cryptocurrency. In the first place, before 2009, there were many dull days, and I often drank oolong tea and tried to make fried rice. If there are any good signs in 2024, let's hope for the election of President Trump. Even now, when many scenarios for 2024 have ended, I feel like I am being given personal hints and breakthroughs from overseas, and I would like to try to devise a way to obtain information a little.

YES WE CAN其れはアフリカ系の元大統領オバマ氏の残したメッセージは、冴えない日常を送る一人の僕に面白く見えた。愉快だった。でも現実を知らずに、オバマ政権初期に暗号通貨BITCOINは世に送り出された。同時に僕は特に良い事は無かった。気分だけはオバマ大統領に関しては愉快だった。2009年~2017年迄就任。大越国家出版が2011年、困惑の時間だった、圧力もあった。そしてTRUMP大統領が就任します。2017年迄の此の期間。オバマ政権時代得をしたのか?合衆国だってサブプライムローン問題で不幸だった。其の時オバマ大統領の愉快さにだけ感謝して、もし、欧州帰依論と暗号通貨論は

名ばかりになった大きな越の海外法定通貨の字に、仮想通貨大きな越の場所や国家を連想して 暗号的な体験としてANIMA論欧州帰依論と魂の暗号的な体験からヨーロッパ帰依論を仮説する己が失敗した。2009年暗号通貨の前にツイッターも開始して居ない日本側の宗教論の中に取り込まれた僕が解放された。2011年、ばれたか?こいつは100%宗教環境を辞めるだろうね!こういう流れで、解りずらかったのは地方の神社、不必要な関係の廃棄清算







ANIMA person according to cryptocurrencies in legal currency names From the time of the Roman Empire

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