About the Dailymotion video "Canada Backpacker 2019"
Regarding the scene in the video on the right sidebar of the screen where a cute child is making the corn sign on the bus,
There was nothing particularly wrong with the child's personality, and as an Asian guy of Chinese descent who weighed 85-80kg at the time and was not particularly muscular (the purpose of the trip was to verify the European existence hypothesis or to get a feel for the European areas for possible immigration), I forgave it. It is best to refrain from this kind of behavior if possible, but this time it didn't bother me so much that I decided I could forgive it.
Also, when I was about her age, I remember doing silly things like shaking my socks or making GO TO HELL signs at the people in the back seat when my father was driving, so I just brushed it off as something that is quite common. It's not something that has a particular personality problem.
又、僕が彼女と同じくらいの年齢は父の運転する後方座席で後列者に対して、脱いだ靴下を揺らすやGO TO HELLサインなどふざけた事をしていた経験の記憶を思い出して特になんらよくある事と流しています。特別人格に問題がある事ではないでしょう。
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