Regarding reports that President Biden is withdrawing from the race

Regarding reports that President Biden is withdrawing from the race

The strong impact on Biden was because he had some similarities to my late uncle when he was young and healthy. My maternal uncle's complex and Biden's stuttering problem were the same. Also, my uncle's father was self-employed and was able to make a living. I thought that many of the similarities were hints for my uncle and for my mother who knew him.

President Biden was handsome and a great performer. In my opinion, Biden did not give any hints. But I am not always the only one who feels like I am being given hints. Next November's Super Tuesday will be a fierce battle between President Trump and the new candidate. I also saw the shooting incident during President Trump's speech on TV. It was a surprise. The bleeding above the ear, the scars from the terrorist attack, and the survival in such a surprising situation caused panic on the viewers' side. The shooter who shot President Trump was a member of the honorable traditional family of the Thomas family. It was a very dangerous and frightening event. President Trump will win, but we need another new candidate, the young power and energy of the new candidates, the age of the leaders of the new era. President Trump is certainly experienced and powerful, but I feel the need for the emergence of new energy. A person with new energy in his 20s to 40s, that is a major historical event. The world is waiting for new power, explosive energy, technique, and brains, not experienced and mature techniques. At that time, I would like to salute President Biden from a distant place.

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I am also a fool who hypothesizes the European Union, France, and the continent of Rome as ANIMA theory.My late maternal uncle had some similarities to Biden when he was young and healthy. Biden is a European of French descent. I don't know about that, but yes.

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