オオクワガタの繁殖行動について YouTube動画付き説明 この動きが繁殖行動です。
Dorcus hopei hand pairing from Niigata, Japan
日本新潟産オオクワガタハンドペアリング Japanese 日本のオオクワガタを9月に十分にペアリングさせる事ができます。
Hand pairing for the purpose of mating Japanese domestic squirrels is a guideline. Males and females live together in a narrow space and watch over. Do this with males and females 2 months after adulthood. Dorcus hopei binodum, which does not eat well yet, does not tail and often becomes aggressive. On this channel, we are uploading local videos of overseas travel, computer videos, squirrel videos, and insect videos.
日本国産オオクワガタの交尾目的でのハンドペアリングは一つの目安 狭い空間にオスとメスを同居させ見守る。成虫後2ヶ月以降のオスとメスで行いましょう。餌をまだよく食べないオオクワガタは後尾も行いませんし攻撃的になる事が多いようです。このチャンネルでは海外旅行の現地映像やパソコン映像やオオクワガタ動画や昆虫動画をUPして居ます。
The stag beetle, which is famous as a phantom stag beetle in Japan, is the largest stag beetle in Japan, which is said to live mainly in the mountains and live for up to 7 years from within 1 year. The physique and appearance that surpass those of the British European Stag Beetle and Dorcus Hopi are still popular, and even now, large sizes are traded for hundreds of thousands of yen or more and are still popular.
In the Ookuwagata video currently posted, you can see the mating behavior of mature Ookuwagata. If you make such a move, the copulation behavior will be characterized by a sign that the squirrel will start. Please use it as a trial for breeding Dorcus hopei binodum. Also, European breeders should import Japanese squirrels and use them for breeding.
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